Liebster Award | Discover New Bloggers!

So, I was very kindly nominated the Liebster Award by fellow blogger Jennie, at The Welsh Blogger. I really like her blog and i think you would too, she blogs about beauty, fashion and more, so i really recommend for you to check her out.So a big thank you to Jennie for nominating me for this award.

So, the rules of this award are:
1. Thank and link the person who nominated you.
2. Answer the nominators 11 questions.
3. Nominate 11 small blogs who have under 200 followers. You should believe that they are worthy of this award, and link them in your post.
4. Create 11 new questions for your nominees to answer. Notify your nominees via social media/blog.

1. What is your name and does it mean anything?
My name is Shola and my name apparently means energetic.

2.  How did you meet your best friend, and how did you become friends?
I met my best friend at school and we became friends because we were sat next to each other in a lesson  and we soon found out we have alot in common.

3. What are your hobbies?
My hobbies are listening to music, reading and going on social media sites.

4. What is something most people don't know about you?
There actually isn't anything about me that no one really knows as I tend to tell people the majority of things about myself and that isn't really much.

5. What are your current favourite songs?
My favourite songs at the moment are Cheerleader by OMI, Kid in love by Shawn Mendes, Love me like you do by Ellie Goulding and Fourfiveseconds by Rihanna, Kanye West and Paul McCartney.

6.  If you were stranded on a desert island, what 5 things/possessions would you want with you?
If I was stranded on a desert island the five things I would want with me would be my phone, a Swiss army knife, a solar powered generator, My phone charger and a WIFI router.

7. If you could go out for dinner with any celebrity, who would you go with and why?
I don't really know who I would go on a dinner with, it would either be Michael Sutthakorn, Joe Sugg, Harvey Cantwell or Caspar Lee as they are all my baes.

8.  Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Well I answered this question in a recent post over on my friends blog here 

9.  If you had 3 wishes, what would they be?
I would wish for me and my friends to live good lifes and be happy, to be able to meet my favourite youtubers and celebs, and have unlimited WIFI wherever I am.

10. What makes you really happy?
A lot of things make me really happy as I tend to be quite a happy person, but the two main things that make me really happy are being around happy people and being with my friends.

11. What is the best thing that has happened to you this week?
Nothing great has really happened to me this past week.

I nominate:
That British Technique
A Little Bit Broken
The den
Fashion, Beauty and hair
Black With Envy
Stretch Your Peso
JC's Findings
A Travelers Notebook

Here are your questions:
1. What Inspired You to Start Blogging?
2. What Motivates You to Keep Blogging?
3. What celebrity would you most want to meet?
4. What is your overall life goal?
5. How did you pick your blogs name?
6. Describe yourself in 3 words?
7. What advice would you give your younger self?
8.  What is your favourite quote?
9.  What makes you smile when you are having a bad day?
10. What is your dream career?
11. What countries do you want to go to and why?

Love you x


  1. Thanks, but.. Why keep picking me, though? How many people read it, anyway?


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