Types of teachers!

There are many different types of teachers out there so here is a list of some that i have encountered at my many years of school, so lets see if we can relate.

The teacher that always tells stories: You know when you have those teachers that are teaching and to help teach you they just start telling you stories about what has happened in their life and at first you find it cool because it is just taking up the lesson but when they do it every lesson for the majority of the lesson it gets really boring. And all your thinking is how do they have so many stories to tell?

The personal-life obsessed teacher: This teacher is almost like the story telling teacher but the thing is the things they talk about have absolutely nothing to do with the lesson. They just  ramble on and on about there personal life instead of teaching the class. You learn so much unnecessary things about them and this is one of the only times you actually want to get on with a lesson.

The teacher that no-one in the class likes: This teacher is just so blatantly annoying everyone in the class never behaves for them which normally ends up with the class getting a detention. They also act different around other teachers or sometimes the other teachers don't even like them.

The lazy teacher: This is the teacher that just gives you a worksheet or a task to do and says to get on with it. So you are just sat doing the work and the teacher is sat at the desk doing nothing and if you put your hand up they just look at you and ignore you and your like 'this teacher needs to get up of their lazy ass and help me with my work'.

The teacher that thinks everyone is rude: This is the teacher who just doesn't put up with anything the students do like if you are sat with your hand up and than someone else put their hand up they go to the other student even though they saw that you had your hand up first yet they just ignore you and than you shout out saying that you need help and they are saying how you shouldn't shout out and how it is rude.

The teacher you can have banter with: This is the teacher that you can just have a good conversation and a good laugh with, they have conversations with the class and they actually make lessons fun. Like they sometimes let you go on your phone during class or listen to music and they are generally all around the best teachers.

The clueless teacher: This is the teacher that does not actually know what they are doing, and clearly tries to make their way through the lesson. They pretend to know what is going on and even incorrectly teaches it to you. And if you ask for help they would give you the completely wrong answer.

The “funny” teacher. This is the teacher that thinks they are the funniest person on the planet, when truthfully their jokes suck. They tell these jokes in every single lesson and just don't get the fact that their jokes are literally the saddest things around.

The teacher everyone has a crush on: This teacher is so good looking that you cant even help having a crush on them every time that walk past your like 'Damn' and you don't even care how weird it is that they are older than you.

The flamboyant teacher: This is the teacher that looks so posh and yet you know they would secretly have a sassy side. You can tell this by the way they walk or generally just by the way they act and it is actually really funny watching them.

And lastly The matron: This one is a little different because all matrons are different but the one at my school doesn't actually help you at all, say if you have a stomach ache or head ache all They would do is give you a cup of water like that's going to help. So now we all call it the magical cup of water.

So questions of the week:
Have you had any of these types of  teachers?
Are there any other types of teachers you've had?
Do you wish you had any of these teachers?

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