I've been trying to think of what to post today and I thought why not do one about my favourite things so you can get to know me a bit better.
So my favourite colours are purple and green, I don't really know why I've always just really seemed to like theses colours.
My favourite food is Pizza especially heat feast which is technically a meat feast but with chillies.
My favourite animal is a penguin as I find them so cute especially when they waddle around and slide on their bellies.
My favourite restaurants are The Harvester, T.G.I's and Frankie and Bennys, I only really go to these places for birthday meals but is still love going to them.
My favourite type of clothing is something casual, I like the colours pink when it comes to clothes and i also like sparkly things.
My favourite friends are Jess, Beth, Steph, Chloe, Grace, Beth, Nadia and Jasmine, The first six being my buddies from school and the other two are from where I live.
My favourite scent is apples or other fruity smells.
My favourite memory is when I went to go and see Little mix with the best buddies it was such a fun day.
My favourite lesson at school is Child development because I'm with all my friends and we don't really do much and its quite a chilled class to be in.
My favourite days of the week are Friday and Saturday because they are both near the weekend.
My favourite time of the day is after 4pm because if its a school day its after I've gotten back from school and I am more relaxed and chilled.
My favourite months are August because there is no school and September because it is the month of my birthday.
My favourite things to do when I am happy is to either listen to music, write or talk to friends.
My favourite things to do when I am sad is read, draw, listen to music or watch TV.
My favourite things to do when I am angry are even though I am rarely angry but when I am I like to listen to music or draw.
My favourite things I like to do when I am with friends are talking about random things , being my weird crazy self and having fun.
My favourite quote is 'Live life to the fullest' as it is true, you should make the most of your life and live it to the fullest potential.
My favourite CD at the moment is Four by One direction Obviously.
My favourite song at the moment is Almost is never enough by Ariana Grande.
My favourite Male singer is Harvey Cantwell.
My favourite female singer is Ariana Grande.
My favourite TV channel is E4.
My favourite TV shows are all actually on E4 which are The big bang theory, How I met your mother, Suburgatory, Brooklyn nine nine and Hollyoaks.
My favourite movie is The fault in our stars.
My favourite type of weather is sunny.
My favourite books are After by Anna Todd and Girl online by Zoe Sugg.
My favourite drink is Pepsi.
My favourite gifts are sparkly things or food.
My favourite letters are S and J.
My favourite numbers are 22 because my birthdays on the 22nd of September, 6 and 3 because i just like those numbers.
My favourite types of movies are horror or comedy.
My favourite breeds of dogs are Husky and Yorkshire terriers.
My favourite piece of technology is my phone and my Xbox.
My favourite eye colours are blue and green.
My favourite gemstone is sapphire.
My favourite clothes stores are Primark, River island and New look.
My favourite type of phones are Sony or Samsung.
My favourite ice cream is mint choc chip.
My favourite bands and groups are One direction, 5 seconds of summer, Little mix, Union J, Fifth harmony, The vamps, Overload generation and Bars and melody.
My favourite social networkings sites are Twitter and Instagram.
My favourite emoji is the monkey emoji.
And one last thing
When I was trying to think of what to post today i asked two of my friends and what i found out from them is that it is practically pointless asking them for help as either the answer is completely random or they start being annoying and rude

What are your favourite things?
When you need help who do you ask?
Do we have anything in common?
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Love you x
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