
So basically I have been so stressed out about so many things but the main thing has defiantly go to be school. Like everyday I have to wake up at half 6 to get ready which  is the worst thing for me as i am not a morning person. The thing about school that stresses me out the most has to be the amount of coursework and work in general I have to do.

Like if we have a small bit of coursework then I wont mind but we just get so much and I really find it hard to complete it all on time and tend to fall behind because of all of it. The thing is when I am at home I am mostly doing catch up work  and my mum is always like 'You can't have that much homework' Yet I do because the majority of it is just me trying to catch up with my coursework.

Another thing that really annoys me about school is the people that are there like, i'm not targeting this to any one in particular as this is a thing I notice everywhere. But so many people at my school are so bitchy like don't get me wrong there are so many nice and sincere people ,like my friends, but there are just way to many two-faced people who just need to find their  place because they think that they are better than everyone and get in a mood when things don't go their own way.

Yet the thing is some of these people don't really realise what they are doing or saying is wrong and just shouldn't be said or done. Like I hear so many rude comments in peoples conversations around school but I don't want to say anything because it's not my place to get involved and I don't really want to get involved anyway. Most of the arguments that happen at my school are so pointless and so many people fall out for no reason . But then you have the fact that people may not like someone for a reason that is not valid and to be honest I find it stupid and unneeded. Like if you don't like someone then so be it but there is no need to make a fuss out of it. What you really need to do is be the bigger person and just ignore them because you don't need them in your life if you get so frustrated by them and just don't involve them in your life you don't need to think of them, just act like they are not there because you are only making it worse for yourself.

Okay Rant now over and over to the glittery sparkly side of school. Well first of all there are my best friends Jess, The two Beth's, Tyler, Steph, Grace and Chloe. Well I am Not going to go into detail about them as I have already written two whole posts about friends but lets just say they are the most amazing friends you could ever have.

There are also my lessons, to be honest I don't like the majority of them but some of them I actually find fun ,shock horror, For example I find Graphics fun as all I tend to do is just talk all lesson, I also enjoy Media because I actually find it fun and so many of my friends say that they find it boring but for me it is generally just a fun lesson and also Art we just sit and talk and laugh that is what our lessons mainly consist of. So technically it's just my options that I find fun.

So random and unneeded fact of the week:
My sister and Ashton share a birthday as they both turn 21 next Tuesday

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