What inspires me!
I have had inspiration to do a lot of things and a lot of them have gotten me to where I am today. I tend to get inspiration from my friends, favourite singers and even some youtubers, I get inspiration from photos that I see on Tumblr and Instagram and just generally things in everyday life and these things help change me into a better person.
So lets start with why I created this blog. For so long I have wanted to do something where I post my thoughts online, like I have wanted to start Youtubing for a long time but I just don't really have the confidence to do it and to be able to sit behind a camera and just talk as I wouldn't really know what to say. So a about around early to Mid 2013 I started reading random blogs on Blogger and Tumblr. This made me think about starting my own blog but I never exactly knew what to write about. It didn't come to me until late 2013 to early 2014 on names for a blog and what topics to write about. So during 2014 I began to plan different things to post on my blog. Near the end of 2014 I got Zoella's book for Christmas but opened it before Christmas like I had said in my Book review of her book. But the thing is this book really inspired me to just be myself within my posts and just speak the truth and to write about what I really want to write about and what I feel is right to post, So that is how I started this blog.
I also get inspired by my friends like Jess for example, Jess is one of my closest friends and to be honest without her I wouldn't be where I am today. What inspires me about Jess is that she has an amazing amount of self pride and that's one thing that I admire about her as she doesn't care what people think about her and she believes that she is beautiful. Jess has an amazing sense of humour and is an easy person to have a good laugh with, Jess inspires me to just be myself around other people and to have a good amount of self pride as even if some people may not like you, than you would always like the person that you are.
To be honest all my friends all have amazing and different personalities and they all inspire me in one way or another. They inspire me to try different things that may be out of my comfort zone but by this happening it helps increase my confidence and also to become a better person.
I also get inspired by my favourite singers and bands. The two main ones being One direction and Little mix this is because both of them started as individual people who came from normal background families and all because of the X factor and their passion for singing they are now well known singers. Because of their hard work and motivation and passion for what they do they have achieved quite alot. What I have learnt from them is to believe in your dreams and put as much effort in what you do to achieve these dreams as by doing that you can achieve great things.
I get inspired by a lot more things but if I add those then this post would Just be way too long and to be honest it is long enough as it is. I find that inspiration comes to everyone in a lot of different ways and from a lot of different things and it depends on the person on how they would use their inspiration to do things in their lives.
Random and unneeded fact of the week:
I never really leave my room and tend to sit on my bed on my laptop and phone all day.

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