Back to school!
So the first week at a new school may be strange for those of you who have moved to a different school, Like I still remember my first few days in year 7, I wasn't really nervous or anything as I knew that I already knew quite a few people who were in my year, so I was actually looking forward to it but it is weird being at a new school with many people. For example there are about 200 people in each year and classes with about 26 people at my school, but I came from a really small primary school with classes with about 16 people in them and we only had 6 people in year 6 when I was in year 6, so that was quite a big difference. I remember that I knew my way around the school by my 4th day which was kind of good as I didn't get lost around the school. That's one problem I think year 7's would face as they are not really familiar to the school and especially as they are so small.
If I could go back to the start of secondary school the one thing I would change is the amount of effort I put into my homework and classwork and also I would have paid more attention in class. I found the work in year 7, 8 and 9 really easy, but when I got to year 10 and I started my GCSE's that's when it started to get harder as we started to get tonnes of homework and coursework. For me I get distracted really easily and I find it hard to keep on track with my coursework and I started to fall behind in a few of my lessons. So any advice to anyone who has gone into year 10, make sure you complete all your coursework on time as you would find it alot easier.
So far it is only a few days into this year and already me and my friends have been talking about what we are going to be doing at the end of it. Such as prom, we have already been discussing what colour dresses we want and how we are going to get there.
So what stationary should we need for school?
To be honest you don't really need a great amount of things for school, all you really need is:
- Pens
- Pencils
- Ruler
- Eraser
- Glue
- Scissors
- Coloured Pens
- Coloured Pencils (for lessons like art)
- Highlighters
- Calculator (would come in handy for maths)
- Pencil Sharpener
Those things are pretty much what you would really need everything else that your school may say you need you really wouldn't be using too much, but it is always good to have extra stuff in case you may need it. You may also need different things for different lessons such as sketching pencils for art. I don't really know what sort of stuff you need at an american school, so if you are one of my american readers it would be great if you could tweet me at @britishthings22 to tell me.
So that is all I really have to say about school, so I hope everyone has a good few weeks of school. Then again it is school so its not like anyone would enjoy it.
Random and unneeded fact of the week:
I am lazy AF and also I couldn't think of any post ideas hence why I haven't posted lately.
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Love you x
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