My First Concert!
So as on Saturday it would have been a year since I went to my first concert, I thought I might as well write about it. So I went to go and see Little Mix for their salute tour with my best friends Jess and Beth. We went on the 16th May and it was the first show of their tour which was in Birmingham.
I remember the day we first ordered the tickets, we were at school in French and Jess' dad text Jess saying how he had got the tickets and when we found out we were all really happy and Beth being Beth screams which was really funny. The seats were Block 12, Row T, Seats 386-388.
Than it came to the day that we were going and we were fairly excited, the last lesson we had that day was art which was always a fun lesson than after I got home I got changed into the outfit I picked out and to be very honest what I wore was terrible, I really don't know what I was thinking when I picked out the outfit. It just looked better in my head, I wore blue jeans with a pink vest top and and chequered blue and pink top over it.
So I got to Jess' house about half 5 and we started to head to the arena, the ride there was quite fun to be honest even though my phone battery was at like 40% so that wasn't very good, the drive was about an hour long and we were listening to Little mixs album. On the way we stopped at McDonalds, and that was one of the best moments of that day. I swear the people from McDonalds must of thought that we were complete weirdos.
So like any other normal person would do we got our food, but than it came to when we ate our food we were laughing so much that I swear people thought we were idiots, we were actually the loudest people in there. Beth and Jess thought it would be a good thing to talk to random children and one of the parents told their child not to talk to them, that was like the funniest thing. Than Jess decided to ask for a balloon but the person said no because she was too old.
So Skip to when we got to the arena and found our seats and the supporting acts started, we had no clue who any of them were, when Harvey was performing we were all confused about who the hell he was and it was the funniest thing ever. I also almost fell asleep during the supporting acts because for some reason I was just really tired. Than little mix started and Jess started crying for no reason at all.
At the end we waited for most of the people to walk out so we wouldn't get caught up in the crowd and while we were waiting we were playing Boggies (if you don't know what that is than it is where you have to shout the word boggies the loudest) but we were playing it with the word testicles, until we got told to stop.
We got just outside the arena when Jess noticed that she left her jacket inside, so she went back to look for it. But than came back like 10 minutes later saying she can't find it. By then it was about 11 and we were on our way back home and I fell asleep for about 10 minutes, as I was so tired. When I got home I literally went straight to sleep.
So this was one of my favourite days from last year as I got to spend time with my best friends and just generally have a good time.
Sorry this post was late, I've just been very busy lately and haven't really had time to write it, mainly because of school and my GCSE's, so when my Exams and coursework for this year are out the way I will make sure all my posts are on time.
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I remember the day we first ordered the tickets, we were at school in French and Jess' dad text Jess saying how he had got the tickets and when we found out we were all really happy and Beth being Beth screams which was really funny. The seats were Block 12, Row T, Seats 386-388.
Than it came to the day that we were going and we were fairly excited, the last lesson we had that day was art which was always a fun lesson than after I got home I got changed into the outfit I picked out and to be very honest what I wore was terrible, I really don't know what I was thinking when I picked out the outfit. It just looked better in my head, I wore blue jeans with a pink vest top and and chequered blue and pink top over it.
So I got to Jess' house about half 5 and we started to head to the arena, the ride there was quite fun to be honest even though my phone battery was at like 40% so that wasn't very good, the drive was about an hour long and we were listening to Little mixs album. On the way we stopped at McDonalds, and that was one of the best moments of that day. I swear the people from McDonalds must of thought that we were complete weirdos.
So like any other normal person would do we got our food, but than it came to when we ate our food we were laughing so much that I swear people thought we were idiots, we were actually the loudest people in there. Beth and Jess thought it would be a good thing to talk to random children and one of the parents told their child not to talk to them, that was like the funniest thing. Than Jess decided to ask for a balloon but the person said no because she was too old.
So Skip to when we got to the arena and found our seats and the supporting acts started, we had no clue who any of them were, when Harvey was performing we were all confused about who the hell he was and it was the funniest thing ever. I also almost fell asleep during the supporting acts because for some reason I was just really tired. Than little mix started and Jess started crying for no reason at all.
At the end we waited for most of the people to walk out so we wouldn't get caught up in the crowd and while we were waiting we were playing Boggies (if you don't know what that is than it is where you have to shout the word boggies the loudest) but we were playing it with the word testicles, until we got told to stop.
We got just outside the arena when Jess noticed that she left her jacket inside, so she went back to look for it. But than came back like 10 minutes later saying she can't find it. By then it was about 11 and we were on our way back home and I fell asleep for about 10 minutes, as I was so tired. When I got home I literally went straight to sleep.
So this was one of my favourite days from last year as I got to spend time with my best friends and just generally have a good time.
Sorry this post was late, I've just been very busy lately and haven't really had time to write it, mainly because of school and my GCSE's, so when my Exams and coursework for this year are out the way I will make sure all my posts are on time.
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