Motivation, everyone needs a little motivation in life, motivation helps you get through things and helps to complete things and move to the next step in life. Without motivation it would be hard to complete things as you would tend to get distracted or you just don’t find the excitement to do things.
Lately I have lost the motivation to do anything really as I have been finding it hard to concentrate with my school work and actually do it, for example I am actually writing this post while in Child development when I am supposed to be planning a child study visit. Lately school has just seemed like too much effort and I can’t really find the need to do my work.
The thing is lately I have noticed how much my motivation of doing things has dropped as I can’t get my work completed on time and I just don’t can’t keep focused when it comes to homework and when I am in class I tend to drift off and start to think about random things. Also in maths last term I got a sub teacher, that we are supposed to have for about 3 more weeks and I have done barely any work since I have had her.
Also what has happened lately is that signed up to be a prefect and yesterday I found out I didn't get the role and it has took some motivation to carry on, I have wanted to be a prefect ever since the beginning of secondary school and I was really upset when I found out I didn't get the role, but I realised that there is no need to be upset and that I should just carry on as there is still a small chance that I could still get the role of being a prefect in October.
During this time I thought of the quote 'Life has loads of hurdles and and even though there are ones that are going to be hard to get over, we need to use our motivation to get over them and carry on' And this is true we cant just give up when things get tough you have to stay persistent and carry on. Motivation would come to you if you try and if you don't than you will remain stuck until you do. This is something I have learnt over the past few days, even though I never really give up on things, I just don't end up doing them to my full potential and it would look like I haven't put in any effort into it, when truthfully I just haven't had the motivation to do it.
What I feel like is that you need motivation to almost everything as if you have no motivation then really you are not really going to get very far, so what I am trying to say is keep trying and don't give up and stay at the level you are comfortable with and when you can do push yourself and stay motivated.

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