Friends Part 2!
So what are the real qualities of a friend? A friend will be there for you through thick and thin and not be there for just the good parts. A friend will come to your need and help you out even through you think that you don't need any help, they will be the light to your darkest of days and be that sunshine that you need. They will not turn their backs on you or talk about you behind your backs. They are someone that you can trust with everything you have. They are like family and will always be loyal to you.
I am one of those people that don't really express their feelings, I don't really speak my thoughts and to be honest I don't really know why, I just find it hard to express my thoughts to other people. And because of this it gets me into tough situations. I have had a tough few years because of how closed off I am and what made me get through it is my friends, I really don't know what I would have done without them. Over the past year they have helped me through this tough time, even though they may not know it. For this I am so grateful to have them in my life.
Over the last couple of months my confidence has been slowly growing and this is because the fact that I know that I have people that care about me around me almost everyday. They give me comfort and confidence so I know that I can do anything around them without feeling like I am going to get judged for it.
Even with my trust issues I know that I can trust my friends even though in the back of my mind I still have an anxious feeling about who to trust and who not to. Because of my anxiety I do find it hard in some situations like when I am put on the spot, but when I have my friends with me it automatically makes me feel better.
This is why I love all my friends because they have been with my through thick and thin, they have helped me when I have needed them most and even when I think I didn't need help they were there for me. They make me smile whenever I am down, they also haven't turned their backs on me. They are really the only people that I can trust. They are loyal and are like family to me, they are like the best sisters that you could ever have.
This is what really makes a friend, if they don't have these qualities than they aren't really close friends are they. Close friends don't make you feel negative in any way, even though you may have those few disagreements, they won't do anything to really hurt you. If they do than you don't need them in your life, negative people only bring negative thoughts and they are just not worth it. Have people that make you smile and not people that would bring you down, because in the end it would be you that would be shining and they would be looking up at you wishing that they now had you in their lives.
Be the person that would be irreplaceable to find and watch all those negative 'friends' realise the mistakes that they have done. So while they are in the past you are having fun with the ones who mean the most.
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday to one of my best friends Beth, who's birthday is on Monday. Love her loads and hope she has a great day as I know she is going to have a good one on Friday, as she is with me.

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