What to do when... you have no WiFi!
Listen to music is obviously on the list I never last a day without listening to music, like Ed Sheeran all the way. But seriously listen to some music that always gives me something fun to do as I always end up either dancing or singing or both.
Read stories and books go out and buy some books and read them, it is good to read, for me I love reading in my free time and before I go to bed. And if you are poor and have no money go on Wattpad which is App that you can read loads of random stories for free. But the thing is you would need to get the stories with WiFi so be prepared.
If you still go to school, than do any homework that is due and don't be like me and do it last minute, for example I am writing this post instead of doing homework that is due for tomorrow. So make sure you do your homework as now you won't have WiFi to distract you.
Another thing I did when I didn't have WiFi was I went through all my old files on both my laptop and my phone, as i have alot of photos it was nice looking through all my old photos and also going through all the old things that I saved on my laptop and seeing how much of a weirdo I used to be. Than again I am still weird as hell.
I bought Alfie Deyes' book and I don't really use it that much but as I didn't have any WiFi I did two or three of the pages. At this point I really noticed how lost I was without WiFi and than it got worse as I actually created a handbook on what to do when I was bored and had no WiFi, which is where I am getting this list from. I also created a compliment page where I wrote one thing that I liked about each person in my class as like I said in a recent post I need to start being nice to people and stop annoying them. But as well as the Compliment page I did also create a diss page where i also wrote something I didn't like about the people in my class.
The ultimate thing to do when you have no WiFi is to go round to of your friends house if you do have any friends and use their WiFi. And also even though I didn't do this I really want to but you should make some brownies and than go round someone's house and say that you would give them a free brownie in exchange for some WiFi and if they say no throw a brownie at their face.
So this was just a short list on what I did without WiFi and there are actually many more in my handbook of things to when I am bored without WiFi, haha that sounds like someone who is trying to sell their book.

What do you do when you are bored?
What do you do when you have no WiFi?
Would you throw a brownie at someone's face?
How do you entertain yourself?
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