Preparing for exams!
While doing the exams I noticed how even though I revised all the topics there were some things that appeared that were so simple yet I didn't get them right. One of them being, What is the name of a plants hormone and I was completely at a blank for what the answer could be and after the exam I found out the answer (which is an auxin) and was like how the hell did I forget that.
So I thought of a few ways to help revise and remember simple keywords and facts that myself and others might need.
Revision notes:
This is what I do mainly for maths, in every lesson we write down notes that might be important but I also highlight them so they stand out from all the rest of my work. As well as this I also highlight all of my answers and write all the questions out and write which textbook I use whether it is higher or foundation tier, the number of the page and also the exercise number. I find that this helps a lot with revision especially as I know what to revise and where the keywords are.
Revision guides and workbooks:
I tend to use these alot, once again mainly for maths as I find maths one of the lessons I struggle the most in. At the start of this school year we got the chance to buy a set of a revision guide and workbook and now I use these for whenever I have free time and want to revise and I find that these help me alot as they are very descriptive and I find it easier to learn stuff when there is quite a bit of description.
Flash cards:
I don't really use flash cards but I have seen other people using them for revision and it looks like a good idea especially when you are revising with a group of people as it would also help them with keywords and their meanings. I think that flash cards would help me as I find that I learn things when I write them down so I would also be learning the facts when I am creating the flash cards.
Revision Book ( Idea from my best friend Jess):
I got this idea from my best friend Jess in maths as we have a test tomorrow, so we have been doing revision in lesson and Jess thought of the idea of making a revision book, which I thought was a good idea. As in order to make the revision book I would have to write the information down and also it would be easier than to look in my maths books and even though I just copied the information from my revision guide it would be easier to use this than the revision guide as it is smaller and my school bag tends to get quite heavy with all the books I have in it.
Revision websites:
Also for revision and information when doing homework I use a revision site we have in the UK called Bitesize this has alot of information to revise from for all sorts of lessons. I have always used Bitesize ever since I was in primary school and have always found it useful for revising and learning new things.
Link to my best friend Jess' Blog Here

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Love you x
I'm in year 10 aswell! This has defiantly helped
ReplyDeleteYour welcome. I really like your blog