Purple day!
On epilepsy awareness day we want as many people as possible to wear the colour purple. We also want more people to become ambassadors and to help spread the word about purple day.
Facts about epilepsy (from purple day website):
There are approximately 50 million people around the world living with epilepsy.
It’s estimated that 1 in 100 people have epilepsy.
There are more than 300,000 Canadians living with epilepsy.
There are approximately 2.2 million Americans living with epilepsy.
Epilepsy is NOT contagious. Epilepsy is NOT a disease. Epilepsy is NOT a psychological disorder.
There is currently no “cure” for epilepsy. However, for 10-15% of people with epilepsy, the surgical removal of the seizure focus – the part of brain where the person’s seizures start – can eliminate all seizure activity. For more than half of people with epilepsy, medication will control their seizures. Additionally, some children will outgrow their epilepsy and some adults may have a spontaneous remission.
Why I chose to be a purple day ambassador:
The reason why I chose to be a purple day ambassador was because one of my best friends has epilepsy and because of it she has seizures. My friend can sometimes have about 6 a day, yet also go days without having one. There are many different types of seizures and my friends has had quite a few of them. I am quite surprised at how my friend manages to cope with the seizures she has as she just carries on living a normal life and she even went to the X factor tour the other day, had 2 seizures and was still fine the next day and she will also be going to see 5 Seconds Of Summer in June as well. She has even mentioned that even the doctors said that they were surprised she has survived so many seizures and it is because of this that I am so proud of having a friend that is so strong minded and willing to do anything.
How to become a purple day ambassador:
To become a purple day ambassador all you have to do is go on to the purple day website, go to the get involved tab and click on ambassadors, you would than have to click on become an ambassador and than you would have to fill in a survey about yourself.
For more information check out the purple day website here
Questions of the week:
Do you know anyone with epilepsy?
Are you going to Join in on purple day?
Will you become an ambassador?
Do you think my friend was brave going to the X factor tour while knowing the risk?
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