Book review: Hello Life!
I don't want to give much away as truthfully you should go and buy the book, but the first part of the book is about healthy living and goes into how Marcus has changed his lifestyle to become healthier and he has also added tips and a workout that is simple to do. I really like this part of the book as it also has pictures of Marcus at the different stages of him losing weight showing the evolution of his body. It also has some healthy recipes and many other ways to have a better lifestyle. This part of the book is very useful for people who want to change their lifestyle around as a lot of the changes in it are simple, just like simply cutting back on chocolate and eating healthier snacks such as rice cakes and fruit.
The next part of the book is relationships where Marcus talks about relationships mainly about him and Niomi and how they got together and how they first met. Marcus also gives tips about being in relationships, starting relationships and going on dates. I really like this part of the book because as well as talking about being straight he also talks about people who are gay or who are lesbians, so it really shows that this book is for everyone. This part of the book would be useful for people who may want tips with asking someone out or just generally being in a relationship.
The third part of the book is about friends and family and Marcus talks about different situations that you can be in with friends and family and how to help other people that may be in those situations, such as family break ups and living with step family. I think this part of the book is really useful if you want more info on how Marcus and people he knows have gone through these type of things and it makes you realise that there are many other people out there who have also gone through these things so it lets you know that you are not the only one. I really like this part of the book because really It just gives a little insight of what Marcus and some of his friends and family have been through.
The last part of the book is about how to get the life you want, It starts of with Marcus saying how he got on YouTube and the career choices and decisions he had to make around that time. He also states some life lessons on of them being 'Its okay to dream' and truthfully it is. I can't really say much else about this part as I haven't really finished reading it but what I can say is that he explains everyday struggles, that I am sure some of you are going through at the moment, and gives a few tips on how to get through them.
So altogether I think Hello Life is a really good book to read, so if you haven't read it yet I really suggest that you should go and give it a read. The age I would Recommend this book to are people in the teen years and upwards. If you are someone who is planning to change your lifestyle than I am sure this book would help you.
I would give Hello life by Marcus Butler a 9/10 as I really like how he talked about different things and situations that have happened throughout this life and has given some advice along with it.
So go and buy the book here at Amazon, Waterstones, Whsmith and Barnes and noble.
Random and unneeded fact of the week:
I've Listened to Twaimz's The crush song so many times, I practically know all the lyrics.

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