
Showing posts from July, 2015

My Bucket List So Far!

There are actually many things that I want to do before I die and as I am about to start my  last year of GCSEs, I will be finishing school in a few months and when I finish I want to start doing exciting things with friends and family, as I want to live my life to the fullest. So I thought why not start a bucket list of the things that I want to do. So firstly I want to go travelling, I would really like to do this with friends and just go to different parts of the world with them. This is because I really want to stay friends with the ones I have now and it would be a lot of fun travelling the world with them. There are actually a range of places I want to visit, such as Thailand, Greece, Italy, Australia and the Caribbean. These are places I just really want to go to because I have seen alot of pretty pictures of them and just really want to go there myself. Palm island, St Vincent Something else that I would like to do is learn a different language as I think that it ...

Anxiety and Panic attacks!

So this is something I have really wanted to write about for a while now. I suffer from anxiety and I am starting to have frequent panic attacks. My first panic attack was over a year ago in a science lesson and even though I didn't know what was happening at the time I seemed to cope with it very easily. Ever since then a few of them have started without reason which has scared me and I have had some that have lasted for about 20 minutes. So what are Anxiety/panic attacks: A panic attack is an experience of sudden and intense anxiety. Anxiety is a feeling of unease, worry or fear. Everyone can feel anxious at some point in their life, but for some people it can be an ongoing problem. What can cause them: Anxiety and panic attacks have an unclear and unknown cause, yet are known to have a tendency to run in families. There also appears to be a connection with major transitions and happenings in the persons life. Severe stress can also cause panic attacks. Anxiety attack...

July favourites!

So its time for another monthly favourites, so first things first. Clothes and other fashion related crap So when I went to see 5SOS I brought a tour shirt which a tend to wear whenever I am having a lazy day as it is really comfortable. Which you can get without the tour dates on the back and in pink, as mine is red, on their website here for £16. The next thing that I have been wearing alot of lately is Zoe Sugg's new perfume from her tutti fruity collection, I brought this when I went to London for an Art trip and me and Jess went into Superdrug at lunch and both brought it. I really like the smell of it as it is a sweet fruit smell and I really like fruity perfumes. If you would like to get it you can get it from superdrug for £8. One more thing that I have been wearing lately is Sleek foundation which I tend to use almost everyday, mostly when I have time in the morning to put it on. I tend to use sleek alot as because of my skin tone I find it hard to find a founda...

Female stereotypes!

On Saturday we had a barbecue for my sister who turned 21 yesterday,  the same day as Ashton's. And to be honest it was such a fun day. We had family and also had some of Whitney's friends over. So what I really want to talk about was what happened at 3 in the morning on Sunday. So most of the people had gone home or have gone to sleep at this point and their was me, Whitney (My sister), Gio (my sisters boyfriend), Levine (Whitney's friend) and Remi (Levine's boyfriend). So they were all sat around the kitchen table and me on the floor as there was not enough chairs and they started having a debate and to make it better they have already had a few drinks. The topic of the debate was being loyal and they were talking about how girls aren't as loyal as they say they are. This automatically got me inspired and want to listen to their debate so I could write about it, hehe . I don't really remember how the debate started to be honest but it actually turned i...


So basically I have been so stressed out about so many things but the main thing has defiantly go to be school. Like everyday I have to wake up at half 6 to get ready which  is the worst thing for me as i am not a morning person. The thing about school that stresses me out the most has to be the amount of coursework and work in general I have to do. Like if we have a small bit of coursework then I wont mind but we just get so much and I really find it hard to complete it all on time and tend to fall behind because of all of it. The thing is when I am at home I am mostly doing catch up work  and my mum is always like 'You can't have that much homework' Yet I do because the majority of it is just me trying to catch up with my coursework. Another thing that really annoys me about school is the people that are there like, i'm not targeting this to any one in particular as this is a thing I notice everywhere. But so many people at my school are so bitchy like don't g...