Friends Part 2!

For my second post I wrote about friends and what the qualities of being a good friend is, since than that has been one of my most viewed posts, and that has to be because with that post I really spoke from my heart and meant every word I said. Since than I have really come to grips on who my real friends are, and I have noticed how much they really mean to me. I love each and every one of my friends as I know that they will be there for me when I need them most and even though I may not show it I will always be there for them. So what are the real qualities of a friend? A friend will be there for you through thick and thin and not be there for just the good parts. A friend will come to your need and help you out even through you think that you don't need any help, they will be the light to your darkest of days and be that sunshine that you need. They will not turn their backs on you or talk about you behind your backs. They are someone that you can trust with everything you ...