Preparing for exams!

As we all know it is coming up to the end of the school year and that only means one thing, Exams. As I am in year 10 (9th grade for those in America) I don't have many exams to do as all my exams are all going to be at the end of year 11. So far I have had my science and RS mock exams as those are the only two exams I will be doing at the end of the year. I got my results back as well, I got a B in my science and a C in my RS. While doing the exams I noticed how even though I revised all the topics there were some things that appeared that were so simple yet I didn't get them right. One of them being, What is the name of a plants hormone and I was completely at a blank for what the answer could be and after the exam I found out the answer (which is an auxin) and was like how the hell did I forget that. So I thought of a few ways to help revise and remember simple keywords and facts that myself and others might need. Revision notes: This is what I do mainly for maths,...