
Showing posts from March, 2015

Preparing for exams!

As we all know it is coming up to the end of the school year and that only means one thing, Exams. As I am in year 10 (9th grade for those in America) I don't have many exams to do as all my exams are all going to be at the end of year 11. So far I have had my science and RS mock exams as those are the only two exams I will be doing at the end of the year. I got my results back as well, I got a B in my science and a C in my RS. While doing the exams I noticed how even though I revised all the topics there were some things that appeared that were so simple yet I didn't get them right. One of them being, What is the name of a plants hormone and I was completely at a blank for what the answer could be and after the exam I found out the answer (which is an auxin) and was like how the hell did I forget that. So I thought of a few ways to help revise and remember simple keywords and facts that myself and others might need. Revision notes: This is what I do mainly for maths,...

Purple day!

As I have mentioned at the end of my last post I am an ambassador for epilepsy awareness day which is on 26th March. The aim of the day is to raise awareness of epilepsy and seizures and to stop the myths about epilepsy. On epilepsy awareness day we want as many people as possible to wear the colour purple. We also want more people to become ambassadors and to help spread the word about purple day. Facts about epilepsy (from purple day website): There are approximately 50 million people around the world living with epilepsy. It’s estimated that 1 in 100 people have epilepsy. There are more than 300,000 Canadians living with epilepsy. There are approximately 2.2 million Americans living with epilepsy. Epilepsy is NOT contagious. Epilepsy is NOT a disease. Epilepsy is NOT a psychological disorder. There is currently no “cure” for epilepsy. However, for 10-15% of people with epilepsy, the surgical removal of the seizure focus – the part of brain where the person’s seizures ...

Comic relief!

This Friday is comic relief and like most charities I like to take part in it. At my school we always hold different things during the day for example we always have cake sales, this year my school are also doing zumba in the school hall which you have to pay 50p to enter which me and my friends Beth and Jess are planning to take part in as we all thought it would be a fun thing to do as well as these activities we are are going to be having a mufti day which is going to cost a pound. For those of you who may not know what a mufti day is, it is when we go to school in our normal clothes and not our uniforms. I've always liked comic relief and other charities like this as it is for a really good course and helps people in Africa, the UK, Peru and just generally all around the world who are dying or have a disability and it helps them get better facilities. It is actually quite upsetting thinking how we've got so many people dying because of the poor conditions that they ar...

What to do when... you have no WiFi!

Near the end of last year I had to go through 2 weeks without WiFi because my mum decided to change from Talktalk to EE and they messed it up so I ended up without WiFi. I was actually so lost without WiFi, WiFi is like a teenagers life they need WiFi more than most things. Well obviously not more than Oxygen, Food and Water, but still. So here is a list of things that I did when I had no WiFi. Listen to music is obviously on the list I never last a day without listening to music, like Ed Sheeran all the way. But seriously listen to some music that always gives me something fun to do as I always end up either dancing or singing or both. Read stories and books go out and buy some books and read them, it is good to read, for me I love reading in my free time and before I go to bed. And if you are poor and have no money go on Wattpad which is App that you can read loads of random stories for free. But the thing is you would need to get the stories with WiFi so be prepared. If you...