Book review: Hello Life!

So as I said in my last post I bought Marcus Butler's book 'Hello Life'. For those of you who may not know who he is, he is a British YouTuber and one of the many youtubers that have brought out a book. So I started reading it on the way back from Butlins and I found it really interesting as you are getting to know Marcus more as a person and what he did before YouTube. I don't want to give much away as truthfully you should go and buy the book, but the first part of the book is about healthy living and goes into how Marcus has changed his lifestyle to become healthier and he has also added tips and a workout that is simple to do. I really like this part of the book as it also has pictures of Marcus at the different stages of him losing weight showing the evolution of his body. It also has some healthy recipes and many other ways to have a better lifestyle. This part of the book is very useful for people who want to change their lifestyle around as a lot of the ch...