Book review: Girl online!

So I got Girl online by Zoe Sugg (Zoella) who is a YouTuber for those who may not know her , as a Christmas present from my friend Jess, than again we aren't really friends as she hates me so we are more like people who socialise with each other when at school. Anyway I got it on December 16th and opened it early because i'm like that. So the day I received it I started reading it and literally when I started reading it I didn't want to put it down I got so caught up in it, I actually managed to finish it in less than a day. Even though it was a school night I actually stayed up all night, jump around until we see the sun, and read it, I seriously didn't want to put it down. So for those of you who haven't read it, Girl online is a book about a girl named Penny who owns a blog and she suffers from anxiety. I'm not going to go into too much detail as you have to go and read it yourself. My favourite character is definitely the main character Penny as she ha...