
Showing posts from March, 2016

February favourites!

So first of all I want to apologise for not posting so far this year, this is because I am currently in year 11 and as this is my last year and I am going to be doing all my exams I have a lot of revising to do. I have also had a lot of coursework to do and catch up with so I have been really busy doing all of that. But hopefully after my exams in June I will start posting regularly again. So I  just thought you should know what is currently going on. And as for once in a while I haven't had any homework or coursework to do so I decided to do a quick favourites post. By the way these are my favourites from the past few months not just February. Clothes and other fashion related crap Lately I have been wearing my hoodies more often, this is mainly because they are all really comfortable and I like to sleep in them because when I wake up I find it easier to get out of bed because they make me warm and I am not waking up to a cold house. So my hoodies consist of my pink Adidas one...