Going to see Fifth Harmony!

So on Monday as you most probably could tell from the title I went to go and see Fifth Harmony with the two best friends Jess and Shiels. And lets just say we had a great time. So as you may have guessed I am going to be describing my day to you. So the day started of being at school for a long and tiring 6 hours. And a hype Shiels singing a lot of Fifth harmony songs. After school we got changed at school and Jess' dad picked us up at around 3:20 (I think). And we went straight to London. The journey was very weird and strange as it contained conversations about school and other random crap, and also a lot of selfies of me and Shiels. The journey also included us taking in the surroundings of London and Beth getting scared of a Lady bird and also being scared of every tunnel we went under. The journey also included going to McDonalds because why not. So when we got to the 02 at around 5:30, we pretty much went straight to Brooklyn bowl, which is the part of ...